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Mom Rescues Dog 1 Year Ago – Everyday When She Returns Home, He Hugs Her

We all love a few sneaky cuddles from our fur babies from time to time – but we’ve got nothing on this cuddly pup and his obsession with affection. This is Kylo, he’s a rescue dog that was recently adopted from a shelter and he can’t show enough gratitude to his new mom. Kylo simply can’t get enough cuddles, snuggles, and hugs from the moment she brought him home.
“As soon as I sit down to take off my shoes he climbs into my lap to be held,” said Meghan Sweers, Kylo’s new owner. “If I don’t sit down for our cuddle time he follows me around with the saddest most pathetic look on his face until I give in and hold him.”
Unfortunately, Kylo’s beautiful and open nature hasn’t always been well received. When he was just 10 months old he was brought to the shelter and spent years as a foster dog. It seemed no one was in the market for a fully grown goofy dog, and took more to the cute little puppies.
That was until Sweers and her husband arrived at the center one day and decided that he was the right dog for them.
Kylo’s felt at home right away. “He crawled into my lap, tucked his head under my chin, and started snoring like a chainsaw,” Sweers said. “From that moment my husband and I knew he was staying with us!”
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