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If You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night, This May Be Why

If You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night, This May Be Why

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep.” – Rumi
People often complain about being unable to fall asleep or waking up in the middle of the night without their alarm buzzing off. This might be your body trying to tell you something you need to pay attention and you need to know how to interpret the signs. Energy is flowing through your body’s energy meridians and you are probably not even aware of this.
There have been numerous articles which explained how these energy meridians are interpreted in Traditional Chinese medicine and how they are used in acupuncture and acupressure to resolve a number of health issues. What you may not know about these meridians is that they are connected to a clock system and according to ancient Chinese medicine different parts of your body are energized at different times of the day.  This is why if you wake up at a certain time during the night it means that some part of your body is blocked or weak and you need to do something to fix this.
Waking up between 9:00PM and 11:00PM
Most people usually go to bed between 9 and 11PM and if you have trouble falling asleep during this time you’re probably stressed and worried throughout the day which is causing you problems falling asleep. You should try some positive mantras, meditation or successive muscle tension and relaxation exercises to help you fall asleep faster.
Waking up between 11:00PM and 1:00AM
Traditional Chinese medicine links this time of night with energy flowing through the gall bladder. If you usually wake up between 11PM and 1AM you’re probably experiencing some type of emotional disappointment and in order to fall asleep you need to practice unconditional self-acceptance and forgiveness towards others.
Waking up between 1:00AM and 3:00AM
This time of night is linked to the energy meridian passing through the liver and if you often wake up during this time you probably have some unresolved emotions of anger and excess yang energy. If you want to resolve your problem you need to drink more cool water and deal with the situation that angered you in the first place and you will be able to fall asleep easier.
Waking up between 3:00AM and 5:00AM
This time of night is linked to the energy meridian passing through the lungs and is connected with feelings of sadness. If you want to fall asleep faster try taking slow and deep breaths and have faith in your Higher Power, it will help you with your problems.
Another thing that could be waking you up between 3:00 am and 5:00am is a sign of your Higher Power telling you to pay attention to the messages that are being sent and align yourself with your higher purpose.
Waking up between 5:00AM and 7:00AM
In this early morning period the energy is flowing through your intestines and if you usually wake up this early you probably suffer from some emotional blockages. When you wake up try stretching for a few minutes or going to the toilet, it will help you go back to sleep.
Brain function and waking up in the middle of the night
When we wake up in the middle of the night our brains aren’t fully awake. The describes this phenomenon in the following way: ‘One of the consequences of waking up suddenly, and too early, is a phenomenon called sleep inertia. First given its name in 1976, sleep inertia refers to that period between waking and being fully awake when you feel groggy. The more abruptly you are awakened, the more severe the sleep inertia.
When we abruptly wake up in the middle of the night the prefrontal cortex part of the brain that is involved in decision-making and self-control is not awake yet and we’re not up for some deep intelligent thoughts. This is why you need to avoid making important decisions.
Waking up and fulfilling your higher purpose
While you sleep you also often dream and this is the time of night when you could receive messages from the Divine about your path in life. Your dreams could be revealing important details about your spiritual journey which is why you need to be aware of this signs your Higher Power is sending.
There are many people out there who doubt these theories but there are also many who have chosen to believe and follow their destined path in life. They’ve realized that we’re all here to learn and develop until we become the best versions of ourselves. True believers call this process of transformation to a higher level of consciousness Ascension and in order to achieve this higher level you need to be aware of your higher purpose.
It doesn’t matter if you believe in ascension or not, if you constantly wake up between 3:00AM and 5:00AM something is clearly off and you need to start paying closer attention to your Higher Power if you want to restore your good night sleep.

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