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This Man Posed Proudly With the Bear he Shot While it Was Hibernating

The Senate has voted (52-47) to eliminate enforced laws that prohibit the hunting of hibernating animals.

The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) enacted these regulations to ensure the prevention of excessive hunting. 

It also protected animals during the hibernation period, and outlawed the killing of mothers and their offspring
This new law will legalize inhumane practices of hunting, such as baiting hungry bears with food, shooting them at a close range, and enabling the entering of bear and wolf dens to kill them.       
The new law would also eliminate the prohibition of hunting in the air (shooting animals from a helicopter or airplane). “What the Senate did today should outrage the conscience of every animal lover in America,” said Wayne Pacelle, who is the president of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
During the Obama administration, these sensible measures were put into place. This new law will make already vulnerable animals increasingly more vulnerable, as their will be no protections for them.


  1. That man in the photo is an inhumane, terrible person. Karma buddy.

  2. World class jackass. He should be ashamed of himself.

  3. Here's a plan, tip him into bear country, when they are awake! And see how he gets on without any weapons or food, oh and drug him to make him sleepy.


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