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Heartbroken Family Left In Tears After Their Dogs Were Taken And Found Abused

A 19 year old teen named Lace Elgar got drunk and took his anger out on an innocent cat on the street. With his steel-toe capped boots, he kicked the cat until it suffered multiple broken bone injuries. He then proceeded to throw its limping body into a basket of flames. Rescuers ferried the feline to the local vet, only to find that the poor thing had also sustained fractures and a broken spine, which lead to a severe case of internal bleeding. The cat almost did not survive the incident.
The reason? Lace was furious after a heated argument with his mother, leading him to binge on alcohol and losing all control over his actions. The teen was only slapped with a £2,380 fine, a 12-week jail term and a ban placed on him from owning any animal for the next 10 years. That was an extremely light sentence for killing an innocent animal which did nothing to him!
Take a look at the poor cat and its abuser below:
The teen deserved more than this, don’t you think?
Share away, people!

1 comment:

  1. He should have received the same punishment that he imposed on the poor feline, but that aside, what does the title of the article have to do with the article itself?


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