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Regardless of the weather season, consuming hot or ice tea is very beneficial for the health. However, did you know that the tea bags you throw away after finishing your tea have other uses as well? Take a look at some of the best tips on how to use tea bags at home and save money along the way:

  • Against skin irritations
After you have made tea, put the tea bag aside and leave it to cool down. Then, put it directly onto the affected area such as bruises, sunburns, mosquito bites, etc. In this way, you’ll soothe the irritation, lower the inflammation, and speed up the healing process.
  • Slow down the symptoms of aging
Apply a used, cool tea bag onto wrinkles, dark circles, etc. to look younger.
  • Prevent shoe odor
No one likes to have smelly feet, especially during summer. Luckily, tea bags can be very useful in preventing bad odor. Namely, put used tea bags in your shoes and leave them overnight. The next morning, your shoes will be as new.
  • Prevent fridge odor
Place several used tea bags in an open container in the fridge until the bad odor is gone. Tea bags have the power to absorb any odors.
  • Clean dishes
Some dishes require more rubbing than others. However, if you use tea bags, this won’t be the case. When you wash dirty dishes with tea bags you won’t only save up a lot of time and effort, but your dishes will be squeaky clean.
  • Bug and rodent repellent
In order to prevent bugs and rodents in your home, place some used tea bags in cupboards and pantries. The best option would be peppermint tea as bugs and mice dislike the smell.

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