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What Happens When You Eat 3 Whole Eggs Every Day? You’ll Be Surprised What It Does To Your Body!

Health organization from around the globe started advising against eating eggs a few years back due to their high cholesterol levels. They said that just like avocados and coconut oil, the high amount of fat makes them dangerous for our overall health. However, soon it was discovered that this isn’t true, quite the contrary, that all these foods are extremely health beneficial and here we’ll show you why.
One egg contains 180-186mg. of cholesterol while the liver can generate 1000-2000 mg of cholesterol every day. If your diet is rich in foods with high levels of cholesterol the liver can adapt the production and by eating eggs you won’t increase your cholesterol but just substitute one cholesterol with another.
Here’s why eggs are so beneficial and should be consumed regularly:
Eggs are rich in vitamins A, B6 and E, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, iron, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium and many more. There aren’t many foods that include all of these nutrients together.
It’s true that eggs contain cholesterol but the good type HDL which isn’t dangerous for your health. On the contrary, it’s very beneficial because it helps your body produce vitamin D and various hormones like testosterone, estrogen and cortisol.
Good cholesterol, HDL, doesn’t clog your arteries like the bad cholesterol, instead it cleans them and prevents atherosclerosis and similar cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, it prevents the buildup of bad cholesterol.
 Have you heard about choline? It’s an important nutrient which stimulates brain development and jogs the memory. It is a precursor to a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine, and it is vital for the pregnant women because it reduces the risk of development of abnormalities in the fetuses. It’s known that as much as 90% of Americans lack choline from their bodies and this is the main cause of muscle damage and non-alcoholic liver fatty disease.

Keeps your vision sharp
Eggs are very beneficial when it comes to eye sight as well because they contain high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin which lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration and protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays. These powerful carotenoids also lower the risk of cataracts by a whopping 50%.
Feed your muscles
Eggs are an excellent source of proteins, just 2 eggs contain the same amount as a portion of meat, minus the fat and acidity. Many diets recommend that people only eat the egg whites but it’s the yolk that contains half of the protein amount in eggs.
Feed your bones
Eggs abound in vitamin D and calcium, essential nutrients when it comes to bone health. Vitamin D allows better absorption of calcium in the body, while calcium is necessary for adequate blood clotting, nerve signals and muscle contractions.
Promote weight loss
You may have thought that eggs should be avoided while you’re dieting but it’s quite the opposite. Since they’re rich in so many nutrients they will make you feel full for longer. On the other hand, they’re low in calories which makes them an excellent diet meal.  According to studies conducted by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition and The International Journal of Obesity consuming eggs for breakfast makes you eat less during the day and contributes to weight loss and lowered percentage of body fat.
All of these benefits we listed, all of the nutrients eggs contain proves that the world health organizations were wrong to advise against the consumption of eggs. Not only are eggs not harmful but they are extremely healthy and everyone should consider eating them on a regular basis.

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