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Great Grey Owl Makes Squeaky Noises, Can’t Contain Her Excitement

Great Grey Owl Makes Squeaky Noises, Can’t Contain Her Excitement

In this video, we see a great grey owl in a wildlife rehab centre. Great grey owls are known for their large sizes and are actually the longest amongst all owls. The owl we see in the video is still not full grown. Yes, even at that size. That’s how big they are.
“This was a very exceptional moment. Her reaction surprised me as well. She lost her companion a while before this video was taken. She was young and still needed affection! Now she is going to join a rehab program in Scandinavia and will hopefully be set free there one day.” – said the rehab centre.
The owl makes cute squeaky hooting noises that she will continue to make for the entirety of the video. At the beginning she is being fed but she seems to already be full. The person then strokes her feathers gently. Gently because owls’ feathers are actually quite sensitive.
With the noise that she is making, one might think that she is feeling distressed or paranoid. It also doesn’t help that they have such large eyes that constantly make them look alarmed. But don’t let their appearance deceive you. If an owl feels threatened, it would normally fly off and not allow anyone or anything get near it, what more touch it. At random points in the clip, it even manages to actually look like she is enjoying the attention she is being given.
An owl’s natural habitat is normally in the forest or anywhere they are free to roam and fly around. But some owls are also kept in purposely built sanctuaries or in wildlife rehabilitation centres, where they are also able to thrive.
Watch the video below and hear these cute squeaky noises.

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