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POLL: Should A Muslim Who Supports Sharia Law Be Allowed To Be A US Judge?

POLL: Should A Muslim Who Supports Sharia Law Be Allowed To Be A US Judge?

A religious nonprofit in the Dallas area offers Muslims the option of Sharia law to settle family and business disputes.
On its website the Islamic Tribunal states that, “The courts of the United States of America are costly and consist of ineffective lawyers. Discontent with the legal system leads many Muslims in America to postpone justice in this world and opt for an audience on the Day of Judgment.
Napolitano reminded that these types of courts exist all over the United States for many different religions. The people that go before them are seeking a resolution of a dispute that is “integral to their religion,” he explained.

Napolitano said each party would have to agree in writing that they are consenting to whatever decision the tribunal makes.
For instance, a couple might choose to have the Sharia system settle a child custody dispute.
As long as it’s voluntary and as long as it doesn’t violate federal, state or local law, people can submit to it,” said Napolitano.
He added that it’s sort of like when people go on TV before “Judge Judy.”
When you appear before Judge Judy or when you appeared before Judge Nap on ‘Power of Attorney’ on Fox, seems like 100 years ago, you actually signed an agreement naming me or Judge Judy or whoever the judge was as the final arbiter of that decision, not appealable. And you’d be bound by that decision,” he explained.
Should A Muslim Who Supports Sharia Law Be Allowed To Be A US Judge?


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