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Poor Buck Falls Into A Frozen River, But You Wouldn’t Believe Who Rescue Him!

The officers at Estes Park Police have a hard enough job, but in the winter things can be particularly rough. There are more accidents, snow makes driving difficult, and the cold makes traffic stops more than unpleasant. But, one day two officers came across a situation that gave them both something new to talk about.
The two police came across a buck caught in a river. Normally the buck could wade across the river, or walk across the frozen surface; but with the new frost, he got stuck half way across. Risking physical harm to themselves, the two brave officers get a rope out and go to rescue the massive buck. There can’t be any more desperate situation, and this buck is really lucky these guys stopped to help.
Take a look at this video!
Stopping to help animals can be dangerous, and most places have an emergency line for animal emergencies. If you see something like this call for help! Share this post with your friends too!

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