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I’ve Never Seen Bald Eagles Swarm Like This, The Reason Why Will Blow Your Mind (Video)

It’s not too often that you see the United States of America’s national animal and bird– the formerly endangered, majestic Bald Eagle. But what this footage captured will take your breath away. I’ve never seen so many Bald Eagles in my life! This is amazing!
It all started when a fisherman left a box of fish open in the back of his truck and walked away. The man returned to his vehicle to find several new friends. Thankfully, the fish were frozen so the beautiful creatures weren’t able to steal too many– but I’m sure the owner wouldn’t have cared. After all, this is a once in a lifetime experience! Wow!
Can you believe it? Would you have been mad to find bald eagles hanging out around your car?
At one point the gorgeous birds were at risk for becoming extinct when the U.S. reported there were only an estimated 824 birds in all 50 states. But we’re happy to report that the beautiful Bald Eagle has gone from the “Endangered” list, to the new “Least Concern” category, after the U.S. made it their mission to protect these beautiful creatures. Thank God!

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